Prior to quitting my job and leaving the States, I put a lot of thought into why I was taking this journey and what I was hoping to gain. On June 14, 2017, I wrote a blog post outlining 4 intentions for my trip. Now that this 307 day chapter has come to a close, I have revisited my intentions and am so happy to say that I made progress on all of them. As we all know, the work is never really done and some of my intentions, like “light as a feather” will be a lifelong journey but I definitely feel I am growing and evolving.
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Dearest niece,
How beautiful you are and how you have grown!
As a mother, the greatest gift one can give a child is the gift of unconditional love!
Trust to the universe and all will be well.
You are responsible for your own happiness.
I am so delighted for you, and wish you great happiness in this next chapter of your life.
As always, sending much love and a huge HUG!
Thanks Alison! Right back at you 🙂
Jenna, you are beautiful both inside and out. Enjoy your time as a yin yoga teacher!
Thank you Joanne – it was truly amazing!
I was just thinking of you today and this journey you were on. Wondering if it was continuing or if it was over. Not until reading this did I realize that even though you specific journey is over, it really looks like the journey continues for you, or maybe it is actually just beginning. I’m glad you made it back safe. The real question is: ‘Now What?’
Yes the journey certainly continues – never did I think I would go from continuous improvement coach at LM to yin yoga teacher at an Ayahuasca Center haha but coincidentally I ran a problem solving session here with the staff and it looks like I may do some organizational consulting work, so there appears to be a thread that brings everything together. Life is great, I am still in Peru and will likely be here through November. Then I will be moving back to the states, building a life with my partner, and doing some coaching/consulting work. Would love to come back to the Temple in Peru every year to work with plants! Sending good vibes your way Chris 🙂