The seed was there long ago patiently awaiting nourishment. All it took was a devastating breakup, a year of yoga, self-love, & meditation, and daydreaming on a lazy Sunday. It was in November of 2015 that Shannon and I decided to travel the world.
The seed was there long ago patiently awaiting nourishment. All it took was a devastating breakup, a year of yoga, self-love, & meditation, and daydreaming on a lazy Sunday. It was in November of 2015 that Shannon and I decided to travel the world.
The thing is, we were completely serious and started talking about how we would turn this into a reality. Originally the plan was to travel the world in 2019, as that is when I would have received the totality of my tuition reimbursement for my masters. But as time went on, I realized that life is too short and I had no idea what I would be up to in 2019. I couldn’t wait. I had to do it now. The world felt like too much to take on, so instead I decided on Southeast Asia – a place completely unknown to me where my money would take me a long way.
In September of 2016 I made the decision to leave in the Summer of 2017 by calculating the most financially beneficial window to leave my company. Realizing that the only thing previously holding me back was the fear of not having money made it easy to move up my trip timeline. The funny thing is, most things that hold us back can be overcome once exposed and processed. All you need is a little premeditated thought and organization. As a white educated female in the United States I knew I could easily make money whether it be waitressing or driving for Uber (which I did for a couple months to make some extra cash). I just had to let go of my fear of failure and not having money. The rest was easy!
8 Comments. Leave new
Best of luck! We’ll miss you at mother Liberty…
Excited to see your journey. We will miss you at Liberty Mutual. You are my hero.
So exciting… I can’t wait to read about your adventures to come!!
Really glad for you Jenna! Looking forward to your updates over the coming weeks and months! Be safe. Many blessings.
Jenna, you are such an inspiration. I will be checking into hear more about your travels. Marked your blog as a favorite. I love the photos! That tree is amazing.
I want you to UBER in every country you visit! J/K. Have fun JSB! Looking forward to reading about your travels.
JSB…we are all routing for an amazing adventure for you
Your new website is amazing but knowing you I am not surprised. You’re about to embark on an incredible adventure and we, your friends, will be with you all the way.